The Performance Monitoring solution offers you total visibility on the performance indicators of your Very High Speed access from Ooredoo through a real-time interface and detailed reports.
What you gain with our solution

We offer three Performance Monitoring packs for Mono-site and Multi-Site architectures

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This service allows you to benefit from:
- Custom performance monitoring reports,
- Real-time information on your consumption and performance,
- An unparalleled transparent relationship between you and Ooredoo,
- KPIs accessible from all your different terminals,
- Proactive alerts via SMS or email in the event of a malfunction,
- An Annual Audit of your network.
Who is the Performance Monitoring offer aimed at?
The Performance Tracking offer is aimed at all business customers with very high speed Ooredoo access.
How is the Performance Tracking offer billed?
The Performance Monitoring offer is billed according to the number of sites with Ooredoo Very High Speed access.
How do I access my Dashboard?
Your Dashboard is accessible via the following link , just insert your username and password received by email.
How do I receive my follow-up report?
At the beginning of each month, you receive your monthly monitoring report at the email address you mentioned on the form.
How to subscribe to this service?
To benefit from the Performance Monitoring service, please contact your sales manager or click below.