For subscribers with capped offers:
Transfer from 0.500 dt to 4.999 dt depending on the amount available on your recharge balance. Transfers are capped at 15 dt per day. You cannot transfer credit with your bonus or package, nor change your validity or that of your correspondent.
For bill subscribers:
The fleet manager has the possibility to transfer credit to Business Control lines or card lines.
Outgoing lines must be Business Classic or Business Pro lines.
- The amount of the transfer per transaction can range from 0.885 dt excluding VAT, i.e. 1 dt including VAT, to 42.736 dt excluding VAT, i.e. 50 dt including VAT.
- Sending and receiving are possible in Roaming.
- The amounts transferred have the same validity as the top-ups.
This service is free.

Which countries does this service cover?
The countries concerned by this service are: France, Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Canada and the USA.
What are International Happy Hours?
It is a permanent service which offers all card and package subscribers the possibility of calling Europe, Canada and the USA at 150 millimes per minute from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.