- Dial *112#
- Enter the confidential 4-digit PIN code of the e-DINAR SMART card
- Choose "My account" by typing "1"
- Choose "My Balance" by typing "1"
(03 last operations on day 1 with the e-DINAR SMART card via or outside the telephone)
- Dial *112#
- Enter the confidential 4-digit PIN code of the e-DINAR SMART card
- Choose "My account" by typing "1"
- Choose "My last transactions" by typing "2"

- Dial *112#
- Enter the confidential 4-digit PIN code of the e-DINAR SMART card
- Choose "options" by typing "9"
- Choose "block my edinar" by dialing "2"
- Validate by entering the confidential PIN code (4 digits) of the e-DINAR SMART card.
To unlock, please go to www.e-dinar.poste or call 1828
- Dial *112#
- Enter the confidential 4-digit PIN code of the e-DINAR SMART card
- Choose "options" by typing "9"
- Choose "renew my edinar" by dialing "3"
- Validate by entering the confidential PIN code (4 digits) of the e-DINAR SMART card
The e-DINAR SMART account must be renewed each year.
Renewal fee: 5dt

- Dial *112#
- Enter the confidential 4-digit PIN code of the e-DINAR SMART card
- Choose "options" by typing "9"
- Choose "unsubscribe from the service" by dialing "4"
- Validate by entering the confidential PIN code (4 digits) of the e-DINAR SMART card.
What languages are available in the Mobiflouss menu?
The menu is currently offered in French. Other languages will be offered to you soon
Why has my balance gone down even though I don't remember making any transactions?
This is likely the result of a misinterpretation of your data or an omission on your part. To check, contact La Poste customer service on 1828
I find in my history transactions that I have not made with my phone?
It's normal. The transactions recorded are those made on day-1, via or outside mob
Can the Ooredoo or La Poste hotline give me the history of my transactions?
Yes it is possible. You can also have your history via the web, via DAB or directly on your phone in the "my last operations" section. These are the last 3 day-to-day operations with the e-DINAR SMART card via or outside the telephone
My account has been blocked, what should I do?
To unblock your e-DINAR SMART account, please go to the website http://www.e-dinar.poste.tn/ or call the customer service of La Poste 1828
What do the transactions that I find in the “my latest transactions” section correspond to?
These are your last 03 transactions made with the e-DINAR SMART card on d-1. The transactions counted are those made via or outside your mobile
Can I subscribe and unsubscribe as many times as I want?
Yes, the unsubscribe and subscribe operation is free and possible as many times as you wish
Will reloading the e-Dinar SMART card renew it?
No, when your card has expired you have to go to the renewal section of the menu
I just made a transaction and yet I can't find it in my history?
It's normal. You will find it tomorrow by consulting your history.